Double Commander

2.5. Find files


1. Introduction
2. Tab "Standard"
3. Tab "Advanced"
3.1. Searching for files with specific attributes
3.1.1. Advanced patterns
3.1.2. Examples
4. Tab "Plugins"
5. Tab "Load/Save"
6. Tab "Results"
7. Additional configuration

1. Introduction

Search tool capabilities are grouped by tabs, we can switch between the tabs using Alt+1...Alt+4 key combinations.

In addition, some functions can be accessed from the main menu of this window.

2. Tab "Standard"

On this tab we can search for files by name and their content.

Search: Standard

The Start in directory field specifies the directory to start the search, by default will be use the current directory of the active panel.

Additional options for specifying file search locations:

The File mask field sets the mask for the search. Or we can just specify the file name or part of it.

Additional options:

Note: File mask, Exclude files, Start in directory and Exclude subdirectories allow to enter several values, separated with semicolon ";" without spaces. If we need to find a file with semicolon in the name, we can use regular expressions.

If the Find text in file checkbox is enabled, the process will search for the specified text in the files. We can also replace this text with any other text, specified in the Replace by field by enabling the checkbox.

Additional options:

Note about text encoding: We can set the text encoding or use one of the special values:

The Encoding button (Encoding) allows to specify more than one encoding.

The Start button starts search, Cancel stops search and Close closes the Find files window.

New search – clears the old results and allows to start a new search (also with new conditions).

Last search – loads parameters from the previous search (in the current session, before closing Double Commander).

By default, Double Commander saves the history of the input fields, to delete unnecessary entries from the history, we can use Shift+Del, and we can also disable saving history in the Configuration settings section.

3. Tab "Advanced"

Tab Advanced allows to specify additional conditions: date, time and age of file (by modification date), minimum and maximum file size, as well as file attributes.

Search: Advanced

File attributes can be specified manually or using a small assistant on the Add button (see below for more details on using file attributes). The Help button opens the next subsection of this page.

Here we can also choose to search for duplicate files using the following one or more criteria:

In the result will be shown file names, group number of matching files and file locations. Also after feed to listbox we can use special selection mode, where we can select only duplicates: Select a Group and Unselect a Group in the Mark submenu.

3.1. Searching for files with specific attributes.

To search for specific attributes we must enter a string pattern, which specifies which attributes are searched for, and if they should be enabled or disabled.

A single attribute is represented with the following format:

<attribute>+ or <attribute>-

The plus sign means that the file must have that attribute set, a minus sign means that the file must not have that attribute set.

The various <attribute> identifiers are as follows:

Attributes in Windows
Attribute letterWhat it stands for
compressed (NTFS compression)
encrypted (EFS encryption)
read only

Attributes in Unix/Linux (Permissions)
Permissions lettersWhat it stands for
user read
user write
user execute
group read
group write
group execute
others read
others write
others execute
set user ID
set group ID
sticky bit

Attributes in Unix/Linux (File Types)
File Types lettersWhat it stands for
block device
character device
named pipe (FIFO)
regular file

In Unix/Linux we may also use octal representation of permissions. For example 0750 is the same as ur, uw, ux, gr and gx combined.

3.1.1. Advanced patterns

Several attributes may be combined together with an AND relationship. Just specify one pattern after another.

For example: r+s+h+ matches files that have all three: read-only, hidden and system attributes set.

Furthermore, such groups of AND attributes may be combined together with an OR relationship. This is done by using the "|" character (vertical bar).

For example: r+|s+h+ matches files that have either:

It is possible to negate AND sequences using "!" character specified at the start of the sequence.

For example: !r+s+h+ matches files that don't have all three: read-only, hidden and system attributes set. The matched file may have none, one or more of those attributes set, but not all of them.

Negation only applies to AND sequences, thus pattern !r+|!s+h+ matches files that either:

3.1.2. Examples

Example in Windows
Examples lettersHow it is interpreted
matches files that have archive attribute set and don't have neither system nor hidden attributes set
matches files that are either compressed or encrypted
matches files but not directories

Example in Unix/Linux
Examples lettersHow it is interpreted
matches files that are writable either by user, group or anybody else
matches files that are writable by user, and by group, and by anybody else
matches directories that are accessible by anybody
matches files that are not fully accessible to the user

4. Tab "Plugins"

Search with the search (DSX) and content (WDX) plugins (description of plugin types and their installation is described here).

An example of images search by width with minimum and maximum values:

Search: Plugins

The DSX plugins interface allows to send them parameter values from the "Standard" and "Advanced" tabs, the exact list of passed values depends on the capabilities of a particular plugin.

WDX plugins complement the search, their fields can be combined according to the following rules:

Operator and Value depend on the type of data returned by the plugin field: number, string, date, time or boolean type. For some numerical values, we can choose a unit of measurement (for example, for size or duration). The following compare operations are supported:

Operator Description
not equal
equal, case sensitive
not equal, case sensitive
larger or equal
smaller or equal
string contains specific text
string does not contain specific text
string contains specific text, case sensitive
string does not contain specific text, case sensitive
string matches regular expression
string does not match regular expression

Depending on the type of data returned by the plugin field, a value input assistant will be available: calculator (number) or calendar (date and/or time).(Alpha version)

5. Tab "Load/Save"

Tab Load/Save – allows to save search parameters so they can be used again later.

Also, here we can see the templates created in the program settings (Colors > File types, Tooltips) and in some tools (Select a Group, Synchronize directories).

There is a field with a hint under the list of templates: for the selected template, the values of File mask and Start in directory (if it was saved) are displayed.

6. Tab "Results"

This tab contains results of the search (just a list of full filenames) and has the following buttons:

The context menu is also available:

To select several files, we can use the mouse and the Ctrl and Shift keys or Shift and arrows.

The left arrow and right arrow keys switch the focus between the list of search result and the New search button.

7. Additional configuration

Additional parameters associated with the search tool are presented on the File operations > File search settings section.

Search: Additional configuration

File search:

Text search in files:

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