Double Commander

2.15. Lua Scripting


1. Introduction
2. DLL required
3. Double Commander functions libraries
3.1. DC library
3.1.1. Example with the DC.ExecuteCommand
3.2. System library
3.2.1. Details on SysUtils.FileGetAttr returned value
3.2.2. Example with SysUtils.FileGetAttr
3.2.3. Example using FindFirst, FindNext and FindClose
3.3. Clipboard library
3.3.1. Example of usage clipboard library
3.4. Dialogs library
3.4.1. Buttons displayed in Dialogs.MessageBox
3.4.2. Style of box of Dialogs.MessageBox
3.4.3. Default active button of Dialogs.MessageBox
3.4.4. Returned value of Dialogs.MessageBox
3.4.5. Example of usage of the Dialogs.MessageBox
3.4.6. Example of usage of the Dialogs.InputQuery
3.5. UTF-8 library
3.6. Char library
3.7. OS library
4. Index

1. Introduction

Detailed information about the Lua scripting programming language can be found on the Lua website.

Double Commander can execute Lua scripts via cm_ExecuteScript command.
Script parameters must be passed as is, without escaping (without quotes or "\"), for this we need to use the %"0 variable: for example, %"0%p0 for the file under cursor instead of %p0 or %"0%D for the current directory instead of %D. Otherwise, if Double Commander automatically adds quotes, they will be passed as part of the parameter and you will have to take them into account.
To get a list of all selected files we can use variables (%LU, %FU or %RU) or internal commands (cm_SaveSelectionToFile, cm_SaveFileDetailsToFile, cm_CopyFullNamesToClip or cm_CopyFileDetailsToClip). We can use, for example, %p: in this case, Double Commander will pass the names of all selected files in one line, separating the names with a space.

It is also possible to write content plugins using Lua script, examples can be found in the program folder (plugins/wdx/scripts). The Wiki has a page dedicated to writing plugins. Limitations: only the following data types are supported

The list above contains the names from the header files, in Lua scripts we must use the numeric values which are specified in parentheses.

About text encoding

All additional functions described below accept string parameters in UTF-8 encoding and return strings in this encoding (except for the LazUtf8.ConvertEncoding function).

Some functions from the standard Lua libraries have been replaced with functions from Double Commander or Free Pascal/Lazarus (or new ones have been written), this provides UTF-8 support.

When writing plugins, we should also use UTF-8 for text data (ft_multiplechoice, ft_string and ft_fulltext).

When saving scripts, use UTF-8 encoding without BOM.


Automation with Lua has great possibilities, but there may be nuances that in some cases need to be kept in mind. Let's try to collect them in this subsection.

1. If auto refresh and the Load file list in separate thread option are enabled, the refresh function will work asynchronously. At the same time, scripts are executed in the main thread of Double Commander and therefore, in some cases, all this may affect the operation of your script. For example, sometimes sequential execution of commands for navigation may not work (for example, large directories, slow disk), in this case try to disable Load file list in separate thread or look for an alternative solution.

If your script creates new files in the current panel or renames existing files, but then does not complete and performs some additional actions (for example, selecting files or moving the cursor), then in some cases these actions will not have an effect: not all files may be in the panel yet and you will need to first call the cm_Refresh command. Under the described conditions, cm_Refresh will also be executed asynchronously and Double Commander may not have time to completely refresh the list of files after your changes.

Auto-refreshing and loading the list of files in a separate thread are convenient functions for a file manager, so the stable working method was experimentally found to temporarily return control to the program and allow the file list to be completely refreshed:

i = 10
while i > 0 do
  i = i - 1

2. Lua function uses the standard C function fopen: in text mode, this function can convert the type of line endings (CRLF, LF or CR) when reading and writing and it can lead to unexpected results. If you come across files with different types of line endings or if you are writing a cross-platform script, this must be taken into account or it may be more practical to give preference to the binary mode.

3. For the file properties dialog in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, the ContentGetValue function is called with the CONTENT_DELAYIFSLOW flag (the fourth parameter, the value is 1), this avoids the delay in opening the window: if data retrieval is slow, we can exclude this data by simply adding a flag value check and returning nil for such fields or plugin.

4. If the plugin should return an empty string, it will be faster to pass nil instead of "".

2. DLL required

In order to interpret Lua script file, we need to have a Lua DLL file, Double Commander supports versions 5.1 - 5.4.

We can use DLL file from LuaJIT project. LuaJIT combines a high-speed interpreter, written in assembler, with a state-of-the-art JIT compiler. Also we get FFI library, which allows calling external C functions and using C data structures from pure Lua code.

DC distributives for Windows have Lua DLL by default (in DC 0.9.7 and newer from LuaJIT project), in other cases we may find and install it through our packages manager or compile it. If we're using a 64-bits version of DC, the DLL must be the 64-bits version as well.

By default DC looks for a file with name lua5.1.dll (Windows), (Unix or GNU/Linux) or liblua5.1.dylib (macOS) in its directory and in the system directory. We can change the file name (and path) in the Lua library file to use parameter.

3. Double Commander functions libraries

Double Commander offer a few libraries of functions for our Lua scripts.

Here is the list of them.

List of libraries
Library nameScript nameQuick description
DCDouble Commander specific functions
SysUtilsVarious system functions
ClipbrdProvides external clipboard functionality
DialogsInteracts with user
LazUtf8UTF-8 string functions
CharGetting information about characters
osFunctions related with the operating system

3.1. DC library

This library contains Double Commander specific functions.

It provides all its functions inside the table DC.

DC library
Function nameDescription

DC.LogWrite(sMessage, iMsgType, bForce, bLogFile)

Write a message to the log window:

  • sMessage : The message text.
  • iMsgType : The message type: 0 - information, 1 - success, 2 - error.
  • bForce : A boolean, when true, will show the log window if invisible.
  • bLogFile : A boolean, when true, will write the message also in the log file.

iPanel = DC.CurrentPanel()

Get active panel: returns 0 if left panel is active or 1 if right.


Set active panel: left panel if iPanel equal 0 or right if 1.

DC.ExecuteCommand(sCommand, Param1, Param2,...,ParamX)

This allows the script to invoke internal commands of Double Commander.

The sCommand is holding the actual internal command name.

We may provide as many Param... as command may support.

DC.GoToFile(Alpha version)

DC.GoToFile(sFileName, bActive)

Opens the directory where sFileName is located and places the cursor on sFileName. To open a directory, use cm_ChangeDir or try to add the directory separator and ".." (without quotes) to sFileName.

bActive is an optional parameter: function can work in the active file panel (true) or inactive one (false). true by default.

DC.GetPluginField(Alpha version)

Result = DC.GetPluginField(sFileName, sPlugin, iField, iUnit)

Allows to get data using the installed content plugin (WDX):

  • sFileName : The full (absolute) filename.
  • sPlugin : The plugin name, as it is saved in the corresponding settings section.
  • iField : The plugin field index (counting from 0).
  • iUnit : The unit index (counting from 0); specify 0 if it does not exist.
  • Result : The return value: signed number (including time in Unix format), floating point number, boolean value, text string or nil.
DC.ExpandVar(Alpha version)

sResult = DC.ExpandVar(String)

Returns a string in which all variables are replaced with their values (excluding environment variables, use SysUtils.ExpandEnv for them).

In addition to internal commands, in scripts we can use the special command cm_ExecuteToolBarItem, this command allows to call toolbar buttons by their identifier (in the program, this function provides the use of hotkeys for toolbar buttons). The command is used similarly to ordinary internal commands (see examples below) and has the following parameters:

Parameter Value Description
ToolBarID TfrmOptionsToolbar the button of the main toolbar
TfrmOptionsToolbarMiddle the button of the middle toolbar
(absent) the button of the main toolbar
ToolItemID identifier the unique identifier of the button

The unique identifier is stored in the ID tag and we have several ways to get it: we can find the button in the doublecmd.xml file, in the toolbar backup file, or simply copy the button to the clipboard and paste its code into a text editor.

Note: Identifiers are generated automatically and do not have to match the identifiers of similar buttons in another copy of the program, but if necessary, we can manually set our own value.

3.1.1. Example with the DC.ExecuteCommand

In this example, we wrote a simple script that will do the following:

  1. focus to right panel
  2. close all opened tabs
  3. switch to a specific folder
  4. focus the left panel
  5. close all opened tabs
  6. switch to a specific folder
  7. open a new tab
  8. switch to a specific folder
-- 1. Focus on right panel.
DC.ExecuteCommand("cm_FocusSwap", "side=right")

-- 2. Close all tabs.

-- 3. Switch to a specific directory.
DC.ExecuteCommand("cm_ChangeDir", "E:\\FakeKey\\Documents\\Music")

-- 4. Focus on left panel.
DC.ExecuteCommand("cm_FocusSwap", "side=left")

-- 5. Close all tabs.

-- 6. Switch to a specific directory.
DC.ExecuteCommand("cm_ChangeDir", "C:\\Users\\Public\\Music")

-- 7. Open a new tab.

-- 8. Switch to a specific directory.
DC.ExecuteCommand("cm_ChangeDir", "E:\\VirtualMachines\\ShareFolder")

Using the internal command cm_ExecuteScript, we may configure a tool bar button that will execute our script.

Assuming this script file is E:\scripts\lua\music.lua, we could have the button configured this way:

Invoking a Lua script from toolbar

Also, we may use the internal Double Commander Editor for editing our scripts. If filename has .lua file extension, it will be recognized by internal editor and it will provide us syntax highlighting specific for this Lua language:

Lua syntax highlighting with internal editor

3.2. System library

This library contains various system functions.

It provides all its functions inside the table SysUtils.

System library
Function nameDescription


Suspends the execution of the script for the specified number of iMilliseconds.
After the specified period has expired, script execution resumes.


Returns an increasing clock tick count. It is useful for time measurements, but no assumptions should be made as to the interval between the ticks.

bExists = SysUtils.FileExists(sFileName)

Check whether a particular file exists in the filesystem.

Returns in bExists the value true if file with name sFileName exists on the disk, or false otherwise.

bExists = SysUtils.DirectoryExists(sDirectory)

Checks whether sDirectory exists in the filesystem and is actually a directory.

If this is the case, the function returns in bExists the value true otherwise false is returned.

iAttr = SysUtils.FileGetAttr(sFileName)

Returns in iAttr the attribute settings of file sFileName.

See the detail explanations of the returned value here.

Handle, FindData = SysUtils.FindFirst(sPath)

Looks for files that match the sPath, generally with wildcards.

If no file is found, Handle will be nil.

When at least one item is found, the returned Handle may be used in subsequent SysUtils.FindNext to find other occurrences of the same pattern.

The FindData table contains information about the file or directory found.

The field of the FindData table are:

  • Name : The file name (without path).
  • Attr : The file attributes of the file (see details here).
  • Size : The size of the file in bytes.
  • Time : The time stamp of the file (seconds since Jan 01 1970)

Result, FindData = SysUtils.FindNext(Handle)

Finds the next occurrence of a search sequence initiated by FindFirst by re-using the Handle returned previously.

Returned Result will be non-nil if a file or directory is found and will be nil otherwise.

The same notes mentioned for SysUtils.FindFirst applied here.

Remark: The last SysUtils.FindNext call must always be followed by a SysUtils.FindClose call with the same Handle. Failure to do so will result in memory leaks.


Ends a series of SysUtils.FindFirst/SysUtils.FindNext calls.

Frees any memory used by these calls.

It is absolutely necessary to do this call, or memory losses may occur.

bResult = SysUtils.CreateDirectory(sDirectory)

Create a chain of directories, sDirectory is the full path to directory.

Returns true if sDirectory already exist or was created successfully. If it failed to create any of the parts, false is returned.

bResult = SysUtils.RemoveDirectory(sDirectory)

Will delete the directory with the name sDirectory. Returns true if successful, false otherwise.

Unlike os.remove, this function does not return a description in case of an error, but it can delete non-empty directories.

bResult = SysUtils.CreateHardLink(sFileName, sLinkName)

Create the hard link sLinkName to file sFileName.

Returns true if successful, false otherwise.

bResult = SysUtils.CreateSymbolicLink(sFileName, sLinkName)

Create the symbolic link sLinkName to file or directory sFileName.

Returns true if successful, false otherwise.

sTarget = SysUtils.ReadSymbolicLink(sLinkName, bRecursive)

Read destination of the symbolic link sLinkName.

If bRecursive is true and the link points to a link then it's resolved recursively until a valid file name that is not a link is found.

Returns the path where the symbolic link sLinkName is pointing to or an empty string when the link is invalid or the file it points to does not exist and bRecursive is true.

sName = SysUtils.ExtractFileName(sFileName)

Extract the filename part from a full path filename.

The filename consists of all characters after the last directory separator character ("/" or "\") or drive letter.

sExt = SysUtils.ExtractFileExt(sFileName)

Return the extension from a filename (all characters after the last "." (dot), including the "." character).

sPath = SysUtils.ExtractFilePath(sFileName)

Extract the path from a filename (including drive letter).

The path consists of all characters before the last directory separator character ("/" or "\"), including the directory separator itself.

sDir = SysUtils.ExtractFileDir(sFileName)

Extract only the directory part of sFileName, including a drive letter.

The directory name has NO ending directory separator, in difference with SysUtils.ExtractFilePath.

sDrive = SysUtils.ExtractFileDrive(sFileName)

Extract the drive part from a filename.

Note that some operating systems do not support drive letters.

sName = SysUtils.GetAbsolutePath(sFileName, sBaseDirectory)

Returns the absolute (full) path to the file:

  • sFileName : The filename with a relative path.
  • sBaseDirectory : The directory that was used as the base directory for sFileName.

If the absolute path could not be obtained, the function will return the sFileName value.

sName = SysUtils.GetRelativePath(sFileName, sBaseDirectory)

Returns the filename relative to the specified directory:

  • sFileName : The full (absolute) filename.
  • sBaseDirectory : The directory that will be used as the base directory sFileName.

If sFileName and sBaseDirectory contain the same value, the function will return an empty string (""). If it was not possible to get the file name with a relative path, the function will return the sFileName value.

bResult = SysUtils.MatchesMask(sFileName, sMask, iMaskOptions)

Returns true if sFileName matches the passed mask sMask.

iMaskOptions (optional parameter, 0 by default) is set as the sum of the following values:

Value Description
case sensitive
ignore accents and ligatures
Windows style filter: "*.*" also match files without extension, etc.
enable pinyin support (file pinyin.tbl will be used)

bResult = SysUtils.MatchesMaskList(sFileName, sMaskList, sSeparator, iMaskOptions)

Returns true if sFileName matches at least one of passed masks sMaskList separated by sSeparator (";" by default).

sSeparator and iMaskOptions (see above) are optional parameters.

SysUtils.ExpandEnv(Alpha version)

sResult = SysUtils.ExpandEnv(String, bSpecial)

Returns a string in which all environment variables are replaced with their values for the current user.

bSpecial is an optional parameter: if true, pseudo environment variables will also be expanded (see details here). false by default.

sTempFileName = SysUtils.GetTempName()

Will return a filename to use as a temporary filename (in the system directory for the temporary files), similar to the os.tmpname function, but the file will be created in a subdirectory that is automatically deleted when Double Commander is closed.
If the function could not create a unique name, it will return an empty string.

Result = SysUtils.GetFileProperty(sFileName, iValue)

Returns the file property corresponding to iValue:

0File size in bytes
1String of attributes as in the file panel (for a detailed description of the string value, see here)
2Group of the file owner
3Owner of the file
4Modification date
5Creation date
6Last access date
7Status change date
8File type (as in Windows Explorer or MIME-type)
9Description (comment) from descript.ion (see details here)

Returns a number (file size, timestamps) or a string (in other cases). In case of failure, function returns nil.

SysUtils.FileSetTime(Alpha version)

bResult = SysUtils.FileSetTime(sFileName, iModification, iCreation, iLastAccess)

Allows to set timestamps (Unix time format) for sFileName: modification date, creation date and last access date. Specify zero for those timestamps that should be ignored.

Returns true if successful, false otherwise.


The character used by the current operating system to separate directory names in the full file name.

In Unix/Linux system the directory separator will be "/" and in Windows it will be "\".

3.2.1. Details on SysUtils.FileGetAttr returned value

FileGetAttr returns the attribute settings of file sFileName.

The attribute is a OR-ed combination of the following constants:

Constants uses in SysUtils.FileGetAttr returned value
The file is read-only.
The file is hidden.
In Unix/Linux, this means that the filename starts with a dot.
The file is a system file.
In Unix/Linux, this means that the file is a character or block device, a named pipe (FIFO).
Volume Label.
Only for DOS/Windows on a plain FAT (not VFAT or FAT32) filesystem.
File is a directory.
File is archived.
Not possible in Unix/Linux.
File is a symbolic link.
Note: In case of an error, -1 is returned.

See an example in the next section.

3.2.2. Example with SysUtils.FileGetAttr

This following script is an example of usage of the SysUtils.FileGetAttr.

When the parameter is detected to be a directory, it will open a new tab in the active panel and switch to it.

local params = {...}
local iAttr

if #params == 1 then -- We got at least one parameter?
  iAttr = SysUtils.FileGetAttr(params[1])
  if iAttr > 0 then -- We got a valid attribute?
    if math.floor(iAttr / 0x00000010) % 2 ~= 0 then
      -- bit 4 is set? So it's a directory.
      DC.ExecuteCommand("cm_ChangeDir", params[1])

In the above example, the params[1] is the 1st parameter passed to the script.

When using the internal command cm_ExecuteScript, it will will be the first parameter passed after the script filename.

So in our example, we may program a sample toolbar button like the following:

Parameter with cm_ExecuteScript

In this example, the parameter %"0%p will be passed to the script. This will represent, unquoted, the filename of the item currently selected in the active panel at the moment we press the toolbar button.

3.2.3. Example using FindFirst, FindNext and FindClose

In the following script example, we'll scan the content of the directory we received in parameter and store resulting data into a text file with the filename passed as a second parameter.

This will give us a good idea of the usage of FindFirst, FindNext and FindClose.

local params = {...}

if #params == 2 then -- We got our 2 parameters?
  local Result = nil
  local hOutputFile = nil

  hOutputFile = io.output(params[2])

  local Handle, FindData = SysUtils.FindFirst(params[1] .. "\\*")
  if Handle ~= nil then
      io.write(FindData.Name .. "\r")
      io.write(FindData.Size .. "\r")

      Result, FindData = SysUtils.FindNext(Handle)
    until Result == nil


In the above example, we need to pass two parameters to our script:

  1. params[1] - which is the directory we want the content
  2. params[2] - which is the outputfilename to store the result

So it's easy to configure a toolbar button using the internal command cm_ExecuteScript and pass the parameter to accomplish all this.

Parameter with cm_ExecuteScript

In this example, the parameter %"0%Ds will be passed to the script as the first parameter. This will represent, unquoted, the directory displayed by the active panel.

3.3. Clipboard library

Double Commander may provide external clipboard functionality to our Lua scripts.

Following table gives us the related functions:

Clipboard library
Function nameDescription


Clear the content of the clipboard.

sVar = Clipbrd.GetAsText()

Get the current text content of the clipboard to assigned it to sVar. If the clipboard does not contain text, the function returns an empty string.


Store in the clipboard the text content of sVar.


Adds html-formatted text sHtml to the clipboard (CF_HTML clipboard format).

This contents will be inserted in applications which support this clipboard format, like MS Word, LO Writer, etc.

It's correct to store data with both Clipbrd.SetAsText and Clipbrd.SetAsHtml. When we'll paste, the application will use the best one that it supports.

For example we may have this:

  • Clipbrd.SetAsText("Welcome to Double Commander!")
  • Clipbrd.SetAsHtml("Welcome to <b>Double Commander</b>!")

If we switch to Notepad attempting to paste something, it will paste in plain text the message we copied with Clipbrd.SetAsText. But if we switch to Microsoft Word and paste something, it will paste the second one, the one with Double Commander in bold since the Microsoft Word recognize and support that clipboard content type.

3.3.1. Example of usage clipboard library

The following example is using three functions related with the clipboard: Clear, GetAsText and SetAsText.

It's a relative long script but it's good to put together a few functions we've seen above.

It assumes our active panel is currently into a directory with many source text files.

It also assumes we currently have in clipboard a single word and that it will receive as a single parameter the current active folder.

The script will scan the file in that current level of directory and will read the content of them one by one to detect text line that contains the word that was in clipboard.

Then, the filenames of the files that contain at least one line with that word will be place into the clipboard.

Then, the script will use the internal command cm_LoadSelectionFromClip and the files that have the words will then be selected.

Also, at the end, we put back in our clipboard the original word that needed to be searched.

local params = {...}
local Result = nil
local iAttr
local bFound = false
local sCompleteFilename = ""
local hInputFile = nil
local sLine = ""
local iPosS
local iPosE
local sFileToSelect = ""
local sSearchString = ""

if #params == 1 then -- We got our parameter?
  sSearchString = Clipbrd.GetAsText() -- Get the expression to search.
  Clipbrd.Clear() -- Making sure we have nothing in clipboard.
  DC.ExecuteCommand("cm_MarkUnmarkAll") -- Make sure nothing is selected.

  -- Let's scan one by one all the files of our directory.
  local Handle, FindData = SysUtils.FindFirst(params[1] .. "\\*")
  if Handle ~= nil then
      sCompleteFilename = params[1] .. "\\" .. FindData.Name
      iAttr = SysUtils.FileGetAttr(sCompleteFilename)
      if iAttr > 0 then -- We got a valid attribute?
        -- We need file, not directory!
        if math.floor(iAttr / 0x00000010) % 2 == 0 then

          -- Let's now read the file line by line until the the end OR a found.
          hInputFile =, "r")
          bFound = false

          while bFound == false do
            sLine = hInputFile:read()
            if sLine == nil then break end
            iPosS, iPosE = string.find(sLine, sSearchString)
            if iPosS ~= nil then bFound = true end

          if bFound == true then
            sFileToSelect = sFileToSelect .. FindData.Name .. "\n"

      Result, FindData = SysUtils.FindNext(Handle)
    until Result == nil


  -- If we've found something, select it!
  if sFileToSelect ~= "" then

  Clipbrd.SetAsText(sSearchString) -- Restoring what we had in clipboard.

3.4. Dialogs library

This library allows our scripts to interact with user to display message, prompt for answers, etc.

Following table gives us the related functions:

Dialogs library
Function nameDescription

iButton = Dialogs.MessageBox(sMessage, sTitle, iFlags)

Will display a message box prompting a user to click a button which will be returned by the function:

  • sMessage : The message inside the box.
  • sTitle : The text displayed as the title of the box.
  • iFlags : OR'ed value of constants to determine the buttons that will be displayed, the style of window and default button selected for the answer. See the following table the buttons displayed, style of window or default button.
  • iButton : Returned value indicating the button user pressed (see this table).

bResult, sAnswer = Dialogs.InputQuery(sTitle, sMessage, bMask, sDefault)

Will display a requester box where user may enter a string value:

  • sTitle : The text displayed as the title of the box.
  • sMessage : The message inside the box.
  • bMask : A boolean, when true, will display "stars" to hide characters.
  • sDefault : The default suggested text that user may type over if necessary.
  • bResult : Returned boolean indicating if user effectively enter something or not.
  • sAnswer : Returned string when user entered something and then clicked ok.

sItem, iItem = Dialogs.InputListBox(sTitle, sMessage, aItems, sDefault)

Displays a dialog box to allow the user to choose from a list of items:

  • sTitle : The text displayed as the title of the dialog.
  • sMessage : The message inside the dialog.
  • aItems : A Lua table, each element of the table must be a string.
  • sDefault : The default selected item in the list.
  • sItem : Returned the selected item as a string or nil if the dialog is dismissed.
  • iItem : Index of the selected item (counting from one, as is customary in Lua tables).

3.4.1. Buttons displayed in Dialogs.MessageBox

The buttons displayed in the box displayed by Dialogs.MessageBox function are controlled by a OR'ed value with one of the following:

Constant of ButFlags regarding the buttons displayed of Dialogs.MessageBox
Constant valueButtons displayed, from left to right
Button OK
Button OK Button CANCEL
Button ABORT Button RETRY Button IGNORE
Button YES Button NO Button CANCEL
Button YES Button NO
Button RETRY Button CANCEL

3.4.2. Style of box of Dialogs.MessageBox

The style of the box displayed by Dialogs.MessageBox function are controlled by a OR'ed value with one of the following:

Constant of ButFlags regarding the icon and style of Dialogs.MessageBox
Constant valueStyle of window
Icon INFORMATION Informative window
Icon WARNING Warning window
Icon QUESTION Confirmation window
Icon ERROR Error window

3.4.3. Default active button of Dialogs.MessageBox

The default active button of the box displayed by Dialogs.MessageBox function are controlled by a OR'ed value with one of the following:

Constant of ButFlags regarding the default button of Dialogs.MessageBox
Constant valueDefault button
Default will be the first one on left
Default will be the second one from left
Default will be the third one from left

3.4.4. Returned value of Dialogs.MessageBox

The number returned by the Dialogs.MessageBox function represent the button user has pressed according to the following:

ButPressed value returned based on button pressed of Dialogs.MessageBox
Constant valueButton pressed
No button pressed
Result OK
Result ABORT
Result RETRY
Result YES
Result NO

Note: If we press the "x" in top right or press Esc to close the window, then the value of the button "Cancel" is will returned.

3.4.5. Example of usage of the Dialogs.MessageBox

Here is a little script using Dialogs.MessageBox and the resulting window that will be displayed:

-- Buttons displayed
MB_OK = 0x0000
MB_OKCANCEL = 0x0001
MB_YESNO = 0x0004

-- Box style

-- Default button
MB_DEFBUTTON1 = 0x0000
MB_DEFBUTTON2 = 0x0100
MB_DEFBUTTON3 = 0x0200

-- Returned button pressed
mrNone = 0x0000
mrOK = 0x0001
mrCancel = 0x0002
mrAbort = 0x0003
mrRetry = 0x0004
mrIgnore = 0x0005
mrYes = 0x0006
mrNo = 0x0007

iButton = Dialogs.MessageBox("Do you want to quit?", "Question", iFlags)

if iButton == mrYes then

Example of usage of the Dialogs.MessageBox

3.4.6. Example of usage of the Dialogs.InputQuery

Here is a little script using Dialogs.InputQuery and the resulting window that will be displayed:

bResult, sAnswer = Dialogs.InputQuery("Identification", "Enter your name:", false, "John")

if bResult == true then
  Dialogs.MessageBox("Hello " .. sAnswer .. "!", "Welcome!", 0x0040)

Example of usage of the Dialogs.InputQuery

3.5. UTF-8 library

This library provides basic support for UTF-8 encoding.

It provides all its functions inside the table LazUtf8.

UTF-8 library
Function nameDescription

iResult = LazUtf8.Pos(SearchText, SourceText, Offset)

Search for substring in a string, starting at a certain position. The search is case sensitive.

Returns the position of the first occurrence of the substring SearchText in the string SourceText, starting the search at position Offset (default 1).

If SearchText does not occur in SourceText after the given Offset, zero is returned.


An iterator function that, each time it is called, returns the next character in the String and the position of the beginning of this character (in bytes).


-- Print pairs of values in the form "position : character"
for iPos, sChar in LazUtf8.Next(String) do
  DC.LogWrite(iPos .. " : " .. sChar)

sResult = LazUtf8.Copy(String, iIndex, iCount)

Copy part of a string.

Copy returns a string which is a copy if the iCount characters in String, starting at position iIndex.

If iCount is larger than the length of the string String, the result is truncated. If iIndex is larger than the length of the string String, then an empty string is returned.

iResult = LazUtf8.Length(String)

Returns the number of UTF-8 characters in the string.

sResult = LazUtf8.UpperCase(String)

Receives a string and returns a copy of this string with all lowercase letters changed to uppercase.

sResult = LazUtf8.LowerCase(String)

Receives a string and returns a copy of this string with all uppercase letters changed to lowercase.

sResult = LazUtf8.ConvertEncoding(String, FromEnc, ToEnc)

Convert String encoding from FromEnc to ToEnc.

List of supported encoding values:

  • Default system encoding (depends on the system locale): "default".
  • Default ANSI (Windows) encoding (depends on the system locale): "ansi".
  • Default OEM (DOS) encoding (depends on the system locale): "oem".
  • Unicode: "utf8", "utf8bom", "ucs2le", "ucs2be".
  • ANSI (Windows): "cp1250", "cp1251", "cp1252", "cp1253", "cp1254", "cp1255", "cp1256", "cp1257", "cp1258".
  • OEM (DOS): "cp437", "cp850", "cp852", "cp866", "cp874", "cp932", "cp936", "cp949", "cp950".
  • ISO 8859: "iso88591", "iso88592", "iso885915".
  • Other: "macintosh", "koi8".
The meaning of special encodings (examples).

In Windows (English or Russian):
  • "default" - cp1252 or cp1251
  • "ansi" - cp1252 or cp1251
  • "oem" - cp850 or cp866
In Linux (English or Russian):
  • "default" - utf8
  • "ansi" - cp1252 or cp1251
  • "oem" - cp850 or cp866

sEnc = LazUtf8.DetectEncoding(String)

Returns the value of encoding of the transmitted text.
The list of supported encodings is similar to those used in the LazUtf8.ConvertEncoding function.

3.6. Char library

This library contains functions for checking whether a character belongs to a particular Unicode category, as well as getting the category of a character.

List of available functions in this library:

Char library
Function nameDescription

iResult = Char.GetUnicodeCategory(Character)

Returns the Unicode category of a character Character, one of the following values:

0Uppercase Letter (Lu)
1Lowercase Letter (Ll)
2Titlecase Letter (Lt)
3Modifier Letter (Lm)
4Other Letter (Lo)
5Non-Spacing Mark (Mn)
6Spacing Combining Mark (Mc)
7Enclosing Mark (Me)
8Decimal Digit Number (Nd)
9Letter Number (Nl)
10Other Number (No)
11Connector Punctuation (Pc)
12Dash Punctuation (Pd)
13Open Punctuation (Ps)
14Close Punctuation (Pe)
15Initial Punctuation (Pi)
16Final Punctuation (Pf)
17Other Punctuation (Po)
18Math Symbol (Sm)
19Currency Symbol (Sc)
20Modifier Symbol (Sk)
21Other Symbol (So)
22Space Separator (Zs)
23Line Separator (Zl)
24Paragraph Separator (Zp)
25Control (Cc)
26Format (Cf)
27Surrogate (Cs)
28Private Use (Co)
29Unassigned (Cn)

bResult = Char.IsDigit(Character)

Returns true if the Character character is in the Nd category.

bResult = Char.IsLetter(Character)

Returns true if the Character character is in the category Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm or Lo.

bResult = Char.IsLetterOrDigit(Character)

Returns true if the Character character is in the category Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm Lo, Nd или Nl.

bResult = Char.IsLower(Character)

Returns true if the Character character is in the Ll category.

bResult = Char.IsUpper(Character)

Returns true if the Character character is in the Lu category.

Also, these functions support working with two parameters: instead of a single character, we can specify a string and the position of the character in this string.

3.7. OS library

This library contains functions related with the operating system where Double Commander is running.

Here is the list of available functions in this library:

OS library
Function nameDescription

iResultCode = os.execute(sCommand)

Will execute sCommand as it would be typed on the command-line and return the result code of the operation.

The sCommand could either be:

  • A terminal command like os.execute("dir > all.txt")
  • An executable like os.execute("C:\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe")
  • An executable with parameters:
    os.execute("C:\\Utils\\fsum.exe -md5 test.bin > md5.txt")

sTempFileName = os.tmpname()

Will return a filename to use as a temporary filename (in the system directory for the temporary files).
If the function could not create a unique name, it will return an empty string.

bResult, sError, iError = os.remove(sFileName)

Will delete the file or the directory with the name sFileName.

If it works, function returns true.

If it fails, function returns three things:

  1. nil to indicate it failed
  2. sError for the error message description
  3. iError for the error code number

bResult, sError, iError = os.rename(sOldName, sNewName)

Will rename the file sOldName with the new name sNewName.

Note: If a file named sNewName already exists, it will be replaced!

If it works, function returns true.

If it fails, function returns three things:

  1. nil to indicate it failed
  2. sError for the error message description
  3. iError for the error code number

Value = os.getenv(VariableName)

Will return the Value of the variable VariableName passed in parameter.
If no variable of that name exists, it will return nil.

os.setenv(VariableName, Value)

Add or change the VariableName environment variable. In case of an error, the function returns -1.


Remove the VariableName environment variable. In case of an error, the function returns -1.

4. Index

DC library


System library


Clipboard library


Dialogs library


UTF-8 library


Char library


OS library


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